Category: maxwell equations

  • Boundary conditions on electric and magnetic fields.

    Boundary conditions on electric and magnetic fields.

    Electromagnetic theory, Lecture — II.  Boundary conditions on Electric and magnetic fields in Maxwell’s equations Topics covered A. Summary of Maxwell’s equations — in free space and in material media B. Integral forms of Maxwell’s equations — by application of vector calculus C. Derivation of boundary conditions — on electric and magnetic fields In the last…

  • Maxwell’s equations

    Maxwell’s equations

    Electromagnetic theory, Lecture — I. Maxwell’s equations This lecture, the web version of the first lecture given in the electromagnetic theory paper of the physics honors degree class, was delivered on 21st December 2017. All electromagnetic theory lectures of this series, will be found here.  Also read part-2 of the linked lecture. That describes the…

  • Introduction to special theory of relativity.

    Introduction to special theory of relativity.

    Special Theory of Relativity: Galilean Transformations,. Newtonian Relativity. This was a lecture delivered to physics-elective class of a 3 year non-physics degree students on 10th April 2017. This is also a good exposition to honors students and anyone at an introductory level of the special theory of relativity, with requisite mathematical background.  Let us consider…

  • Wrong question in GATE 2018 physics?

    Wrong question in GATE 2018 physics?

    I think the above question asked in GATE 2018 (physics) is wrong. Any vector has two components. The component perpendicular to the parity axis has even parity and the parallel component to the axis has odd parity. The opposite is true for axial vectors. E, A vectors. B, L axial vectors. The correct answer per…

  • Electromagnetic Nature of Light — A brief history of light.

    Electromagnetic Nature of Light — A brief history of light.

    Let us begin this lecture which has roughly two parts; 1. the history of light and its understanding through the centuries and 2. the electromagnetic nature of light A brief history of light Various optical devices and optical phenomena have been known since close to 4000 years. The optical devices of ancient time includes mirrors, burning…