A fundamental physical problem [Physics + comptational Physics]

[can be the PhD thesis for “future” Werner Heisenberg]

The classical-kinematics uncertainty is always an upperbound to the quantum-kinematics uncertainities? eg the classical-trajectory is always on a plane [for all d.o.f. and all forces included]. That means you maximize the rotation of all straightlines that can pass through any two points on the trajectory and that gives you the maximum uncertainty.

[in terms of position or … angular position and this is a computational physics PhD thesis problem: take the trajectory of a bunch of quantum-particles and for each of them maximize the angular deviation of “all” the straightlines that can pass through any two points, “paired points”, of the trajectory. Then relate this classical uncertainty to the quantum-kinematical uncertainty at each point on the trajectory. Apply this to particle physics problems through Monte-Carlo programs and from experimental data obtain values for each: classical and quantum-kinematical uncertainties]

I wonder like a minimum uncertainty relation exists if there also exists a maximum or upper-limit uncertainty relation which is provided by the classical world. The classical world is then emergent from the quantum world when the degrees of freedom [dof] collapse onto a classical limit. The classical limit when enters the quantum realm the dof and forces increase. In the classical realm forces are well known for individual particle motions.


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