Never trust an atom .. they make up everything.

(thats true in two sense, they makeup everything as we know, and what it also implies, the myth that empty space does not constitute anything, thats what atom is lying about, its lying about empty space if we are to believe it, but our new knowledge: even empty space weighs)

… And Lawrence Krauss says (– in his amazing talk why there is something rather than nothing) there is large empty space in matter thats also far more heavier than actual matter. eg Proton constitute of 3 quarks whose masses are collectively not sufficient to explain why proton mass is so much higher than that. (– which is important from the view point of the 10 ideas I had shared regarding what LHC can do, the proton mass being much larger than its constituent quarks)

The only explanation is the large empty space which anyway has a large fluctuation energy. So the empty space in our body is more heavy than what we actually eat and our actual flesh etc. 80% of our body weight could be empty space, our actual weight is only a small fraction coming from the atoms of the flesh and fluid we have.

The human skeleton of a female body. The weight of human beings do not come all from the flesh and bones. The bones and flesh and fluid etc would constitute only 1/5th of the total weight  the rest 4/5th comes from the amount of space inbetween all such matter. The body weight therefore would drop to 20% if the matter such as bone and flesh would be extremely dense, but in such a case body would occupy a thin lamina of space but the resultant reactions inside the body would be destructive and the body would break apart like bricks hitting stones. So the body empty space is optimized and provides a cusion to all sorts of biological and physical reactions inside the body and in result increases the weight (by 80%) and volume (to the extent we see). Next time you are tempted to call someone a cow realize that its not the flesh he/she has. Its the ability of nature to put that flesh into a space for smooth functioning of the biological body which means a 5 times more space in terms of weight and given density of material the empty space occupies so much or so much space. And a s a result we swell.
The source of this image: human skeleton of a female body. The weight of human beings do not come all from the flesh and bones. The bones and flesh and fluid etc would constitute only 1/5th of the total weight the rest 4/5th comes from the amount of space in-between all such matter. The body weight therefore would drop to 20% if the matter such as bone and flesh would be extremely dense, but in such a case body would occupy a thin lamina of space but the resultant reactions inside the body would be destructive and the body would break apart like bricks hitting stones.

So the body-empty-space is optimized and provides a cushion to all sorts of biological and physical reactions inside the body and in result increases the weight (by 80%) and volume (to the extent we see). Next time you are tempted to call someone a cow realize that its not the flesh he/she has. Its the ability of nature to put that flesh into a space for smooth functioning of the biological body which means a 5 times more space in terms of weight and given so-and-so density of material the empty space occupies so-much-or-so-much space. And as a result we swell.

I am Amused (LoL) and no it does not come from the air we breath, thats still matter. So the only difference from why we are heavier is we are more densely packed than air molecules are in our surrounding and the air is flowing freely into adjacent regions. Our flesh does not expand freely into adjacent region or we would even weigh much more.

So its the amount of space we have packed into our body in a small region rather than the amount of flesh-fluid-matter we have really that makes us so much more heavy. (– No Lawrence didn’t have time telling so much so I am just flowing freely with my Ecstasy) So its not really atom which makes up everything but it has packed a great deal of myth into its making. The myth of empty space being zero energy is no more true. Empty Space weighs.

Also thats the reason why matter would need empty space because then the reactions would be softer. At that atomic level Matter hits you and you adjust that like a secretary adjusts your tone as a learned philosopher and there isn’t much damage or breaking of bonds.

Myths make up most of our world and we shall not believe them.


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