Pretension is more powerful than indifference.


Pretension is more powerful than indifference.

But we can dislodge both with a bigger conscience. 

We are indifferent to the plight of others. The politician pretends that it is interested in knowing the plights, although deep inside, they have their self serving interests in mind.

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The politician goes to a power base which we can not dislodge them from, if we are not to be careful, about two things.

  1. We shall not be indifferent, towards others plight and sorrow. Whether they are from our religion, caste, class or community or not. We shall pay a lending ear — and be kind, introspect and be compassionate enough to share the good will we have for them.
  2. We shall not be pretentious at any cost. We shall be honest and surpass the barriers of conscience. We then become more powerful, than the politicians, that are exploiting us, by simply posing a fake smile and a vile ear.







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