This image shows the track charged particles leave in detector of elementary particles. Neutrino is not a charged particle but a neutral one. How do we then detect a neutrino?

Fundamental things you should know about the neutrinos — and other things no-one told ya’.

Fundamental things you should know about the neutrinos — and other things no-one told ya’.

I am searching the PDG-2011 for knowing what we know about the neutrinos for sure. I am motivated to read the MINOS paper of neutrino speed measurement which I haven’t read so far, after I read the 24 page OPERA paper, that is definitely going to create a lot of news, at-least a deal of consternation in scientific community and the associations, for a long time to come.

The MINOS has given it’s result in 2007 and from the outset a joy to read. Quite some Physics I expect. They have talked about their life-time based neutrino mass < 50 MeV, I will read this, once I finish with my PDG expedition, but the question in my head: how will MINOS result change, if they use a mass < 2 eV? instead of their lifetime mass < 50 MeV, are they using their native mass measurements or using ‘nominal’ PDG value?

Another unrelated question in my head: important question, what is the speed of cosmic rays and OMG particles, do they also violate photon-speed limit?? These particles are extremely energetic, the most energetic known to date, hence from their energy view point, the rest mass is essentially zero. With such energy do they violate the speed limit or do they not? [Remember rest mass can never be zero, but it can be a very small value]

Back to fundamental knowledge of the neutrino.

(tritium decay) Mass m  <2 eV 
(reactor) Mean life / mass, τ/m  >300 s/eV
(solar) Mean life / mass, τ/m  >7 × 10 9 s/eV
(accelerator) Mean life / mass, τ/m  >15.4 s/eV

Amazing: the life time to mass ratio of the neutrino is a mystery. Reactor life-time to mass is 20 times that of accelerator type and the solar type is half a billion times higher than that of the accelerator type.

This definitely has got something to do with energy !

Well everything does.

Now mass must be the rest mass, which must be fixed, among the 3 neutrino flavors, if not individually. Still, that means; life time is higher, if a high energetic reaction produces it. Can it be like that?

Create a new field of research “energy can determine how long you will live” perhaps everything in a high-energetic reaction is living for quite long because there is no process that the participant finds itself in, where it can waste it’s energy.

On earth therefore the life time of constituent matter is small unless a high energetic process produced it and the matter constituent survived for quite long.

So all protons were produced in an extremely energetic process, perhaps when nuclear fission and fusion were happening everywhere, then the Universe cooled, but the protons had no one to share this energy with, so they have a long long long life of  ~10^30 years.

They took their last energy lunch a billion years ago, when Universe created itself, but now they are sure they will survive that long.

I found the answer to my question why protons and neutrons have such a long life time, in another blog, I get my answers so accidentally, but there is a reason to that.

Now the neutrons outside the nucleus have a 15 minute only to tell their life story and to sadden you a little, but when they are with the protons, they live the same amount of time.

That just means the proton has a partner who it can share with, the energy it has.

Perhaps the nucleons were created with such a “purpose”, they were imparted so much energy and created in such a way, they could never share it with others, this energy, which will mean all forms of matter, that creates from these baryons, will be very stable for billions billions billions of years.

Now neutrons being slightly heavy, protons are perhaps just a way for neutrons to lose their energy, neutrons convert into protons, protons convert into them, the resulting neutrons, if they are free, have a way to spend all their energy and vanish in 15 minutes.

But if the neutron turns back into a proton, that possibility was hindered.

There are many types of beta-decays which intermediate these processes and that only means a tiny energy leak into the external world but a vast window of possibility, where the neutrons may be available to a “free” world where they can spend their energy.

Now the neutrinos if they were produced in supernovae, it just means they would have a very high life-time to mass ratio. One needs to check this for validity of such a fact.

One thing to remember about the neutrino is their mixing. Their flavor have different eigen-states from their mass. So, definite masses are not assigned from measurement to their individual flavor states: m, t, e; since the mixing of their charged-current-weak states to their mass states involves two large mixing angles, as has been measured so far.

The detail is to be found here..

I might update this article, with what I find from the MINOS paper, when I read that, for now this is so interesting I must share with you …

You might wanna check the comment section for more content related to this.


4 responses to “Fundamental things you should know about the neutrinos — and other things no-one told ya’.”

  1. further OPERA of a comprehensible universe « Information Radar Avatar

    […] Fundamental things you should know about the neutrinos (and other things noone told ya) […]


  2. The neutrino speed excess as a function of energy « Information Radar Avatar

    […] OPERA paper there were other seraches I was making, I have described very well in my articles, eg, what we know about neutrinos; I got my idea of relativistic speeds being a function of energy and it is through searching over […]


  3. Mohan, mdashf Avatar

    Reblogged this on Invariance Publishing House ! and commented:

    This article is from 2011, same month 4 years ago. It describes the link between how physical principles such as that of particle properties explains the formation of life.
    —— (basically little facts and some insights, that I had had years ago)

    There is a very simple relation between how the Particle Mechanics defined from particle’s available energy and energy channels, can get these particles interlocked, into state of matter which would sustain life. Else the particles were already effervescent and subjected to decay, but since the energy utilities were of very widely different conditions, some of it just meant; life was possible.

    eg the particles are stable because they were produced in very high energy blasts, then they could survive for billions of years, and given that there are a very few out of 100s of possible particles, whose energy match like that of husband and wife, they can stay together and form more and more complex building blocks of life.

    eg the neutrons and protons can have very different amount of energy in general, but once inside nucleus they can form intimate bonds, because their energy matches … as their constituents, the u and d quark, are accidentally near each others mass, all other constituents have widely varying mass.

    For marriage of particles they must be equally “fatso” !

    This neutrino guy has widely varying lifetime to mass ratio. Since mass is energy, I realized lifetimes are widely varying because the neutrinos are produced on earth or on sun or in a supernovae?

    Since neutrino is linked to nucleons via beta decay that leads me to think the role of neutron and proton and it can be seen that they convert into each other and this way humor themselves for billions of years inside the same studio apartment called nucleus, so that eventually the little chance that life could form, blossoms.


  4. Further OPERA of a comprehensible universe. – "Invariance" from M Dash Foundation Avatar

    […] Article 7: Fundamental things you should know about the neutrinos. […]


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