Category: photon

  • A Photon has no mass. It can’t rest.

    A Photon has no mass. It can’t rest.

    A) A Photon has no mass. B) A implies “It can’t rest”. C) Therefore it doesn’t have rest mass. D) Photon rest mass is zero. Assertion and reasoning; A is correct. B is correct and follows from A. C is correct, it does follow from B. But D is incorrect it does not follow from…

  • What happens when squirrels do not move.

    What happens when squirrels do not move.

    Stationary state and squirrels ! Okay so the squirrel isn’t moving around so much, giving a fuzzy image. We can call the instant during which the squirrel wasn’t moving akin to a “gross” stationary state. But why is the railing of window fuzzy? It isn’t moving ! Diffraction. Due to diffraction enough light is coming…

  • The time-energy uncertainty relation.

    The time-energy uncertainty relation.

    The time-energy uncertainty relation is a blessing in disguise which comes in handy to check various values that are quoted, so as to see if something is inconsistent or not. It’s very powerful in guiding to check if we are ourselves making something silly or not. I have described in two recent articles — will…

  • Further OPERA of a comprehensible universe.

    Further OPERA of a comprehensible universe.

    Following are the serious physics based remarks, analysis or studies I have made so far on OPERA collaboration’s experimental result or ones that can be read in this context. This measurement has surpassed in my opinion all bounds of doubt and uncertainty. What remains is an anomaly, in this article I will give some suggestions on…

  • Why scientists think photon is mass-less ?

    Why scientists think photon is mass-less ?

    There are a bunch of values from various experiments that can be said to be a measured value of the mass of the photon .. A photon mass ranges from 10^{-7} eV – 10^{-27}. With such wide range of a mass we still have a firm founding on why photon can not be taken to…