Category: anomaly

  • Why scientific inventions are more and more imminent?

    Even accuracy of Aristotle’s theory in ZOOLOGY was achieved in 19th century. He was therefore one of the most prolific and far reaching genius ever. After a 2000 year it took only 300 years for Einstein to overturn Newton. It took only 30 years before a group of genius (Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Bohr, Dirac et al…

  • Still some gravity !!

    So talking about gravity fondly I have made a remark “Its not gravity that makes you fall”. You would be shocked as if you fell down but its not due to gravity but something else is at work, Am I a Physicist propounding a phantom theory? The actual statement I made is “Its not gravity…

  • Did Newton know Quantum Mechanics?

    My insight of the day. Quantum Mechanics makes Newton’s Law consistent in its two forms. Otherwise they would be inconsistent. So Newton knew some QMech. He knew 1. F=ma=mdv/dt and 2. F=dp/dt. These two are consistent in a framework where wave-particles are central. Because F=ma corresponds to particles and F=dp/dt corresponds to waves. I will…

  • Equivalence from simple notions of Geometry ? Yes.

    Now it may also be related that light bends in a denser media compared to a rarer media because an additional rotational force is working. In other words, the definition of straight line has to change in the medium, that is of different density, because path of light is changing. Light is the guy who…

  • Can Neutrinos produce sound? Scream like Fox?

    Response: Neutrinos vibrate, YES. Much like anything else, since they have energy. But they do not vibrate at any particular frequency since their energy is not fixed. Their energy can vary widely and that makes them vibrate at different frequencies. Its worthwhile to mention that its not this frequency or oscillation which we were originally…