Category: Research Article

  • A particle that defies classical mechanics !

    A photon has no mass but energy and it has speed and it has momentum although it does not have mass. Thats impossible in Classical Mechanics. Because Classical Mechanics associates with every mass; momentum and kinetic and potential energy. All those would be zero if mass were to be zero. Also the speed of the…

  • Ideas that changed our notion about the Universe.

    1. Aristotle Fallacy; A notion that objects need force for their movement. It contradicts the idea of inertia. Newton corrected this by introducing the first law, things continue in their state of motion, a quality called as inertia, without requiring force and the motion changes due to application of force. 2. Earth is flat; that…

  • Nature of photons.

    Also (without any direct theoretical connection, but correlation through reality of nature) 3. Photons are classical only in the sense that we perceive light only when photons are produced in large numbers. So large that the laws of the small do not incur large errors because they are in large numbers. Statistically the errors are…

  • Uncertainty Principle Again.

    2. The object can be a large object, eg say something whose picture you are taking. But as explained above its not the energy of the object (or momentum) which is directly coming into the problem. That would be an added degree of concern if the object is moving with certain velocity, a reason why…

  • Telos is Greek for end. So nice.

    Sean has this lucidly written this article on our existential moorings .. “Why we move towards Future differently from Past eg is Thermodynamics and Arrow of Time”. What I picked up is though, two interesting cognates of Greek with Sanskrit. Telos is Greek for End. Well it is so for Sanskrit, (hence ILS, almost all…