Category: Social affairs

  • “Why is there so much bias in the minds of the westerner scientists towards the Indian scientists?”

    But this is exactly where I hit my nail. Or I would prefer to. Hasn’t the so called western society been propagating a culture of science whose torch bearers are held with high esteem? And when these torch bearers have shown the path in science, they hardly called upon themselves as great Greek soldiers and…

  • The Bhubaneswar International Airport is a dream like Vedanta University, signed a petition

    A friend asked me to sign a petition for something which is close to my heart since a decade. and I write the following, what follows is what I answered to him in private I believe upgrading Bhubaneswar airport to an international airport should be one of the highest priority of the Airports Authority of…

  • On the amorphous behavior patterns of a Hindoo maniac

    Once there was a big gathering of  people for the celebration of a particular festival of India. As is usual in such gatherings in American Universities they become multinational celebrations. After the cultural events were over the people scattered into their own groups and continued their chit chats. In one of the groups that I…

  • Why Odisha needs Vedanta University?

    Why anyone would want such a University or academic establishment in a community. The reasons are very clear. We want to extend our educational systems to the best in the world. This is a prime goal of any civilized modern society. To have the best of the education, research and scientific body of knowledge. To…

  • Warfare against Brahmanism.

    Country, culture and warfare that do not lead to world wars.. Correspondence early 2008, article written on October 13, 2008 When I had joined Virginia Tech in 2001 for a graduate study it was a fabulous experience. Like many new and flabbergasting cultural and social experiences, better known as culture shock. I had come to…