Category: Advocacy

  • Stars and Fate.

    Stars and Fate.

    Astrology is the blind belief that stars change our fate — pun; like the blind belief wives change our personality. This is where Physics becomes a paraphernalia of whim, cultivated over the ages, to bring solace in seeking ignorance as a means of existential glory. I just checked some scientific terms, in regards to how…

  • The quality of a scientific paper … A casual reposition.

    The quality of a scientific paper are not ZERO if citation is zero. Perhaps we need to define two parameters, quality and significance of scientific communication. Quality; a well done research in the best traditions and methods available. Significance; the outreach of the paper to bring effect into others work and others understanding toward the…

  • A step toward Higher Education?

    Here is the summary. And I am quoting actual numbers from News Paper Reports. News Report; 5% Odisha Resident students. [Including perhaps those also who would be Odia by their citizenship, irrespective of where they stay] My estimate; a typical 10% general category students, going by how large the quota regime entails in terms of…

  • What is it like to be in an Ivy League. Just a musing.

    The other aspect is from my own experience, while you are highly qualified, you are perhaps no more pouring in as much as even you would like to pour in, in terms of real research. You or your employers don’t want you to go into controversies, because they drain you out of wit and the…

  • Review of Gravity, the movie, discussions.

    A discussion on Space movie Gravity, which I saw recently. I remember one fact, that concerns, Physics, the roughly 50000 miles an hour (correct?) speed of ISS level debris that was coming, it set me thinking, are they violating the Relativistic Laws? For a while, and then I realize its per hour, not second, (that…