Tag: C++

  • A c++ code for calculating pi value.

    A c++ code for calculating pi value.

    Finally I am successful in calculating pi value — less than 0.3% error, by using random number generation. Although my computer needs some fixation on its compiler or path definition etc, there are very good online compilers which helps in testing and running c++ codes: try the given link. OUTPUT Computing the value of pi…

  • Basic ideas of Particle Physics.. A Klong Meson

    Basic ideas of Particle Physics.. A Klong Meson

    Another example of importance of Particle Physics as is understood by the general public is Blackhole. Well see blackhole is not a particle-phyics idea but the general public knows LHC is a particle-physics lab which produces blackholes that can engulf the world. Such was the paranoia in the year 2008 before LHC had started banging…