Tag: love

  • मुवकिल कि कत्ले-आम

      इनकी बड़ी बड़ी ऑंखें मुवकिल कि कत्ले-आम हो गयीसंतरा खाते खाते मजा-ए-नगमे ऐसे आयी शाम हो गयी

  • Love is to warmth what hatred is to se…

    Love is to warmth what hatred is to selfish attention. In love you will get less attention than in hatred. Love is far personal than hatred. Hatred is way too selfish and it does not see you with the warmth you get in love, it seeks attention for its own sake. Love is to warmth…

  • If there is onl…

    If there is only one thing that you can’t do justice to its love, it is way beyond anyone’s means to do justice to whats called love. Everything else is unjustified by their own nature.

  • There is only s…

    There is only such a thing as prejudice which often as well comes from fierce promoters of justice as they can come from anyone whatsoever. Only love knows no justice and everything else is unjustified by their own nature, when does a tiger seek a man, only when to eat him alive, not to do…