Tag: new understanding of physical Universe

  • Triangles and Particle Physics !

    Phase Space. When we deal with what we call particle physics, we always have to bring into discussion; whats a phase space. Its the most basic thing to do, in that involvement. Its like each time we make pizza we have to think of whats the dough and whats the topping. At-least the theoretical and…

  • The Basics Of Physics — Is Gravity Amenable To Quantization?

    The Basics Of Physics — Is Gravity Amenable To Quantization?

    The basics of Physics — is Gravity amenable to Quantization? This is a very detailed and long article, but written in a very simple language, as it seems to me, describing such concepts as; the basis of expectations of “Quantization of Gravity with other forces” which is colloquially known as Einstein’s dream of GUT –…

  • The Big Bang bubble

    Then each of these no-place-no-time-no-matter-no-energy bubbles can have a small amount of matter-energy-place-time, Heisenberg license is revoked and conservation principles are sacrosanct again. So that small license is the key to understanding how a small desirable violation of the laws of nature known in our scales today we do not throw scientific thinking into a…

  • The nature of Physical truth and our approach to find it

    The Unification of fundamental physical interactions is a result of that abstract thinking, and look at it, we are successful because nature nods “agreed”. One example of this unification is is how the electric fields (E) are same as a magnetic field (B) if you recognize that the E, B fields are not fundamental but…