Tag: photon mass

  • A Photon has no mass. It can’t rest.

    A Photon has no mass. It can’t rest.

    A) A Photon has no mass. B) A implies “It can’t rest”. C) Therefore it doesn’t have rest mass. D) Photon rest mass is zero. Assertion and reasoning; A is correct. B is correct and follows from A. C is correct, it does follow from B. But D is incorrect it does not follow from…

  • Photo-Electric Effect, Quantum Mechanics, Quantization, Wave Particle Duality !!

    The fact that zero mass particles exist simply might be a coincidence of nature, that a very small energy was produced randomly. Again since it transmitted a longer distance or infinite distance might only happen for EM force only because of the nature of phenomena. Probably we need to think more why, what are any…

  • Why scientists think photon is mass-less ?

    Why scientists think photon is mass-less ?

    There are a bunch of values from various experiments that can be said to be a measured value of the mass of the photon .. A photon mass ranges from 10^{-7} eV – 10^{-27}. With such wide range of a mass we still have a firm founding on why photon can not be taken to…

  • Why nothing moves faster than light !!

    There is an interesting discussion on twitter why “nothing can move faster than light”. I could not resist myself from a simple explanation I also think a similar one might have been given by Einstein himself, long time ago, so forgotten by most when they try to explain it. How does something go faster !!…