Tag: Uncertainty Principles

  • The entangled Universe ..

    There has been a very interesting and permeating discussion going on about “Quantum Entanglement” and any imperceptible but conceptual connection it might have with “Pauli Exclusion Principle”. This has been started by Brian Cox so if you win over him you can come with “who started first?”. … An entangled electron or any quantum particle…

  • UPDATE TO: OPERA has lost it’s claim of superluminal neutrino.

    UPDATE TO: OPERA has lost it’s claim of superluminal neutrino.

    A stringent constraint on OPERA speed-excess: Planck’s constant = 6.6 10^(-7) eV-nanosecond; A neutrino mass of 2 eV has to be measured to better than 1.15 eV to see any superluminal excess. — After I fixed mistakes in my binomial-expansion. At or above this error you see (7.5 + >= 7.5 ) km/second, you can…