Happy Maharastra Day

Happy day, Maharastra: I am going to be in Mumbai-Nashik for couple days (Coincidentially to this day, I realized only now) I will mostly be off from internet etc.

For the first time in my life I will not carry my laptop (and I don’t carry fancy gadgets, I dumped my Blackberry 8703, RIM, long time ago)

I have many popular science books, may be I carry one of them… (serious physics books? NO, nobody wants to see a “physicist in action” syndrome: imagery in sky in visible weird ways.

May be my camera too, others don’t seem to “take the pictures” seriously as I do, but I don’t want to miss some opportunities…SO see you in the middle of this week, once again.

“Mata O’ne’gai’shi’masu”






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