Category: manmohan dash

  • Who needs a Science war.

    Call it a spoof, but in the fun of things we have started igniting each other. So its all a fun game. Didn’t I promise so. Its fun, seriously fun. But in modern times its just a phenomena of human tendency. If the internet is not invented and we live nearby we celebrate every leap…

  • The state of Indian Science.

    China is already doing this. Its particle accelerators are hotbeds of science research where people from the globe come like honey-bee come to flowers. China is even planning to establish world’s largest accelerator, bigger than LHC, the biggest and highest energy facility in the world now. If we think democracy is hindering our strides, we…

  • Advocacy of science !

    Now what is science, calculating a piece of problem is not science. It leads to new knowledge that can bring anyone laurels. That’s still not science. Its dissemination to the broader community is a beginning of science. When the basic ideas behind such strenuous activities become established practice of modern societies, that’s science. Because it…

  • The doubly charming.

    There was this short guy from Colorado who wanted to come to Virginia for a change and he narrated his experience in the plane he flew the day before. He had a chat with his fellow passenger and how he was greeted with “you are charming.” “Oh you are a Charmonium” I quipped. He did…

  • Whats so funny about that !!

    This is a story about the glass doors, you have to push hard the horizontal bars and keep on hold to be able to rotate the door and make space for you to exit and if another person is closely preceding you, you cant, won’t, shouldn’t let it go bang on them so you better…