Category: humor with twist

  • Mach’s Principle

    This is called Mach’s principle because Ernst Mach had questioned the validity of associating the rotation to immediate surrounding. Now to visually understand the Mach’s principle Weinberg stood up, in that video, and made a movement which explained how your hands rotate faster or slower. I didn’t understand this well enough so one night I…

  • Neutrino Police

    By the law of Relativity, nah it’s obvious that you’re lying

  • Rationality and irrationality

    “Religion was invented when the first con-man met the first fool. -Mark Twain” (thanks are due to Imtiaz Hussain Mahmood from whose “wall” I obtained this. ) Well all these fools that are elated about 11/11/11 11.11.11 ask them “what’s a rational number?” most of them will scratch their head. Then tell them that. A…

  • full moon big pot and square teacher

    I will make a blog post for something I said on facebook as people there are always coaxing me to write longer pieces not on facebook. It is a kind of social etiquette I wouldn’t like, not because I am a dropper but for the reason of how I am inspired. I am not inspired…

  • The relativistic contribution of GPS satelite to OPERA neutrino

    The correct idea of relativity is: S_clock = γ . S_baseline < ——————– [[ length contraction or shortening of length]] τ_clock = (1/γ) . τ_baseline < ———————- [[ time dilation or lengthening of time]]