Category: Nature

  • Life time of particles and Time dilation

    SO a muon which has a life time of 2 micro seconds moving at a speed of 3, 5ths of the speed of light would live for 2.5 micro seconds because time would dilate, that is, the life time for the muon observed by someone when it moves fast (apparent life time) will be more.

  • Interesting facts about nature…

    The time for which a Klong lives, light would travel 15.3 meters in that time, and in the time a Kshort is alive, light would travel only 2.7 centi meters. Kshort and Klong are the same particle only different in how long they live. (they are like the same sprinter with different speed capacities) A…

  • Doing Nothing !!!

    “Do nothing for 2 minutes ” Brian, I failed for the first time Lynda, Definition of doing ‘nothing’ is a difficult one – breathing, thinking, heart beating, digesting those things that I shouldn’t of eaten – can’t do it, that’s nothing that is! Brian, Good point; but here I believe ‘nothing’ means actions under your…

  • sometimes there are answers but no questions

    sometimes there are answers but no questions, so we have stumbled upon the answers but don’t know the questions, we haven’t even formulated the questions. Sometimes we don’t even know how to formulate the questions, like we ask, Why there are so many kind of particles, its not a good question. I can ask  why…

  • Interesting questions about space time, particles, multi verse and string theory…

    vinamra mattoo 03/03/11 12:59 PM Does any one know why masses attract each other or why a positive charge attracts a negative charge………,?? Magesh Muthu 03/03/11 2:33 PM SO, why +ve charge attracts negative charge…. … -I am an Underdog in Science Josef Ashkenazi 03/03/11 3:14 PM Gravitational attraction of masses result because masses introduce…