Category: celestial mechanics

  • Inherent ability = difficulty * accomplishment.

    All of Physics is this “Inherent ability = difficulty * accomplishment”. Thats just intuitive but can easily be seen to correspond mathematically with the Principle of least action. First the edifice: whats the problem? The problem is given you move in straight line when every direction is same around you, which direction will you chose?…

  • Addendum to Coriolis Force; Definition of Centripetal Force.

    We need to understand first that Force can be categorized into two types. One is called tangential or collinear force. This component of the force is always along the direction of motion and changes speed of an object. It can change direction once the velocity of the object has become zero. Its NOT centripetal force.…

  • The angular parameters of celestial mechanics !

    Define an Hour Circle. Its a bit tricky to define some astronomical parameters and not run into innocent looking misrepresentations of facts. One needs to cool his amber more times than there are parameters, then one gets a feel where and how to begin and give a good description. Hour Circle is a GREAT Circle,…

  • Star Motion, an interesting star concept.

    To budding astronomers. A difference between true velocity and proper velocity. Proper velocity (proper motion) is the motion of a star apparent to the center-of-mass of the solar system. That is, how fast any object (a star) is moving wrt the sun’s position. (in terms of its center-of-mass) So if a star is close to…

  • Stars and Fate.

    Stars and Fate.

    Astrology is the blind belief that stars change our fate — pun; like the blind belief wives change our personality. This is where Physics becomes a paraphernalia of whim, cultivated over the ages, to bring solace in seeking ignorance as a means of existential glory. I just checked some scientific terms, in regards to how…