Category: experimental high energy physics

  • Can a black-hole be created on earth by LHC?

    Can a black-hole be created on earth by LHC?

    This post belongs to the eschaton theme. Which means a small and swift blog post just to do justice to something that can’t be made comprehensively large by any reason, at the moment.  Read the linked news article which giving excerpts from a book by the famed Martin Rees which I haven’t read, nonetheless which…

  • Time travel explanation, the amateur way.

    Time travel explanation, the amateur way.

    One summer 2011 evening, in the courtyard of our house, I got into the act of recording myself with my webcam, and I find that I am explaining the concept of, Time Travel — verbatim, with no prior writings. Get yourself lost. Somewhere. So that I don’t see you. I don’t care, I am supposed…

  • There is only one physical favor the Universe did on life.

    But all of them are not stable. We have made great strides in understanding them collectively called as standard model of particle physics which involves electroweak and strong interactions. Its a weird mess of beautiful list of particles and their behavior toward each other. Sometimes there is symmetry breaking sometimes there is symmetry and sometimes…

  • The hinterland of particle physics

    The hinterland of particle physics

    Particle Physics is collectively an effort to study the exciting world of subatomic particles and the nature of their interaction. By subatomic we mean anything that happens within the atom or below and not above. The implications could cover as much above, as it would be entailed by the precincts of natural laws. eg If…

  • The quality of a scientific paper … A casual reposition.

    The quality of a scientific paper are not ZERO if citation is zero. Perhaps we need to define two parameters, quality and significance of scientific communication. Quality; a well done research in the best traditions and methods available. Significance; the outreach of the paper to bring effect into others work and others understanding toward the…