Category: history of science

  • A Physicist is a physicist’s way of talking about himself.

    A Physicist is a physicist’s way of talking about himself.

    In my case therefore you see, 0 publications in 2001. The year I joined my PhD, I was learning more about snow-fall, JC Peney and Bus rides. 2002 I have hardly 1 or 2, that was the year when in the later half I was given the privilege of being able to sign for science…

  • Why scientific inventions are more and more imminent?

    Even accuracy of Aristotle’s theory in ZOOLOGY was achieved in 19th century. He was therefore one of the most prolific and far reaching genius ever. After a 2000 year it took only 300 years for Einstein to overturn Newton. It took only 30 years before a group of genius (Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Bohr, Dirac et al…

  • Still some gravity !!

    So talking about gravity fondly I have made a remark “Its not gravity that makes you fall”. You would be shocked as if you fell down but its not due to gravity but something else is at work, Am I a Physicist propounding a phantom theory? The actual statement I made is “Its not gravity…

  • Boson conundrum II

    This one article on Higgs and Bosons also I didn’t want to write. But I thought may be you should know something more than you already know. read this (linked to pdf) eye opening article on BOSE (SN) and decide how silly its to believe any wrong has been done to him by the west…

  • Optical Path and Fermat’s Principle.

    Optical Path and Fermat’s Principle.

    Mirror and Fermat’s principle: We can see ourselves in the mirror and take our mirror reflected selfie as a consequence of Fermat’s Principle, the topic of discussion of the blog. … Snell’s Law governs refraction which is adjustment of optical paths in in-homogeneous media because light can no more travel at its speed in free-space.…