Category: Relativity

  • Relativistic loss of Photons energy and neutrino’s speed excess

    Before or after the following article you may want to read the updated article: In the plot below I had shifted one data-point unintendedly. Here is the correctly plotted curves and I have changed the fitting fucntion and the plot-scale from linear to logarithmic (only one of the axis) [as you could have fig.…

  • is there a link between energy loss of photon and speed excess of neutrino

    That means the neutrino speed excess is not unexpected. And this is not using any quantum mechanics as such only Relativity, except we have an experimental mass of photon which is 10^-18 eV, …

  • The effect of GPS clocks on neutrino speed excess at OPERA

    2. relativistic time dilation: Dr Elburg calculated this to be 64 nanoseconds, but the correct value as it should be because of small GPS speed is 0.25 picoseconds, now he does not have to look towards OPERA team to falsify his hypothesis, accidentally I have done it )

  • The latest trends in physics. Speed of Light.

    Much of this article is reviewed and updated today, the: (07 January 2014). It has become more interesting, less confusing and more clarifying. Its totally worth reading this article, I would say. (since the cork that was creating confusion is out) Please note that some of the speculations turned out to be factually not valid,…

  • The time-energy uncertainty relation.

    The time-energy uncertainty relation.

    The time-energy uncertainty relation is a blessing in disguise which comes in handy to check various values that are quoted, so as to see if something is inconsistent or not. It’s very powerful in guiding to check if we are ourselves making something silly or not. I have described in two recent articles — will…