Category: Research Progress

  • Update to: I solved Flyby anomaly of Galileo-I !!

    This article is a compilation of technical results that I obtained through my research. The ideas of this article thus will be comprehended mostly perhaps by only an expert of satellite technology and/or a general Physicist, nevertheless only after he/she also goes through preceding analysis and descriptive-content, the last one is linked below. Flyby-Anomaly for…

  • I solved flyby anomaly of Galileo-I (1990)

    I solved flyby anomaly of Galileo-I (1990)

    Note that in summary Gravitational red/violet shift induced by earth’s gravitational field accounts for the anomaly by correctly adjusting for the positive energy the secondary has along its trajectory. This may not be the exact amount for anomaly since other small perturbations can also be accounted. But this is clearly the biggest factor that accounts…

  • a simple calculation for earth spin projected onto sun-earth orbit plane.

    a simple calculation for earth spin projected onto sun-earth orbit plane.

    Here is the earth-around-sun and earth-spin situation: Earth rotates around sun in a tilt of 23.5 degrees and earth rotates around itself with spin S. SO S is 84% along sun’s vertical and 16% along sun’s horizontal;

  • The latest trends in physics. Speed of Light.

    Much of this article is reviewed and updated today, the: (07 January 2014). It has become more interesting, less confusing and more clarifying. Its totally worth reading this article, I would say. (since the cork that was creating confusion is out) Please note that some of the speculations turned out to be factually not valid,…

  • The pseudo-science of language !! #mdashf #kanji4

    The pseudo-science of language !! #mdashf #kanji4

    Neither is San like Ji a particle in Japanese as pointed out by the author of this “wikibooks” article linked above. A particle can combine to verbs, nouns, adjectives etc not just a namesake, it has infinite partners therefore in an invisible language space because it works on or gets worked by true linguistic constructions…