Category: Ideas

  • Magnetic monopole…

    You bring another charge in its vicinity how so ever close or farther (say at an infinite distance) and the time clock will start ticking. The charge that was there to start with will start sensing time.

  • on freedom of speech..

    Freedom of speech is not passe. But we have newborn babies. Freedom of scientific speech. Freedom of expression of scientific thoughts and freedom of expression of creative ideas that draw upon social needs of a scientific and technical society. 117FC016-89ED-1E56-27C3-BED07BCCCCAE 1.03.01

  • A scientists impression of the illusive Higgs..

    A scientists impression of a Higgs. The notorious Higgs hiding under unknown debris of “all” kind. Note its head and hair protruding out. Makes it easier for us to pull him out of that heap of trash. 117FC016-89ED-1E56-27C3-BED07BCCCCAE 1.03.01

  • The world of physical reality …

    Why are such experiments to explore the physical nature of our universe so paramount to human endeavor ? If you drive a car and hit against another rigid object you might wanna know how hard it will affect you. You might not want to experience that real time. You might wanna hire some confident engineers…

  • Logic, God and nature’s laws. The educated atheists.

    Logic, God and nature’s laws. The educated atheists.

    “The funniest thing about Nature is, there are a lot of coincidences. The more one digs the more one is gotta be amazed how easy it is, to dig Nature.” About Nature and its ways Intelligence and God Supercomputers Truth, the way I see it Thinking about future March 22, 2007 All of article was…