Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • I have created this blog site at the…

    I have created this blog site at the same address of my main blog: webmohan.wordpress. This one is with name infyinfo.wordpress and this will work as a buffer to my main site so I can post here my latest updates instead of twitter or facebook.

  • My theory for language of ancient Asia (ideas)

    Also one interesting thing is chinese: fu, Indian: Pu [male], it is wrongly in the Indian scenario, maintained that male is: purusa, it’s a tri-syllable or bisyllable with further modifications causing it a tri-syllable. The original seems to be only 1-syllable like it’s in chinese. Note that there are other words in chinese/japanese that have…

  • The story of particle physics

    sitting here on my desk, a self-procreated office locus, on a rainy and lightening midnight what can I do? My love for physical isn’t too much a secret. I try very hard to transcend that to Physics. And without much self-organization I can not weave the scattered threads. So I will just pick randomly on…

  • Important vocabulary of Physics from English to Sanskrit/Indian

    Strong force = अति शक्ति बल Weak force = अल्प शक्ति बल Gravity = माध्याकर्षण बल = बहु-प्रसारी बल= समय-लोक परिबर्तका Electromagnetic force = आलोकबेगी बल = आलोक मध्ययी बल = बिद्युत-प्रसारी बल = चुम्बक-प्रसारी बल = आपेख्यिक-बिद्युत बल(प्रति-सम बिद्युत प्रभाब), आलोक-प्रसारी बल. Electron = इ-कण (e-कण) Hadron= अति-शक्ति-कण, भारी-प्रभाबी कण Quark = अति-कण Meson…

  • formal forms of Japanese has it’s base in sanskrit

    “tamaso ma jotir gamaya” is a sanskrit phrase I ofetn recited. I learned this in high school. It literally means from tama towards jyoti, let my progress be. tama is used to mean darkness. Notice that the gamaya or gamaja which means movement therfore progress, can also be written as gamas. The ga is the only word that means this movement. It is also…

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