Tag: action principle

  • Inherent ability = difficulty * accomplishment.

    All of Physics is this “Inherent ability = difficulty * accomplishment”. Thats just intuitive but can easily be seen to correspond mathematically with the Principle of least action. First the edifice: whats the problem? The problem is given you move in straight line when every direction is same around you, which direction will you chose?…

  • Blackholes and the Action Principle.

    This is not an article that purports to establish any link between what I have to say about Blackholes and what I have to say about Action Principle. First off there are always a connection between action principle and anything else in Physics. Everything in principle can be derived from the action principle. The action…

  • Optical Path and Fermat’s Principle.

    Optical Path and Fermat’s Principle.

    Mirror and Fermat’s principle: We can see ourselves in the mirror and take our mirror reflected selfie as a consequence of Fermat’s Principle, the topic of discussion of the blog. … Snell’s Law governs refraction which is adjustment of optical paths in in-homogeneous media because light can no more travel at its speed in free-space.…

  • Least action principle and principle of equivalence …

    This article is written in the flow of my intuition which is in a chronological order without any flip-flops. So first I came up with the idea Principle of equivalence means nature of potential energy and kinetic energy are same hence they are equivalents not gravitational mass and kinematic mass as represented through all texts…