Tag: astronomy

  • Why are women from Venus.

    Why are women from Venus.

    Amazing #Astronomy fact; Years are faster than day, for Venus, why are women from Venus. There is only one planet in our solar system which rotates opposite to how all other planets rotate. You guess it right, Venus. Explains why women are from Venus. You don’t get that? Its a very strange planet. The planet…

  • LIGO in India? You must be kidding …

    I was pleasantly surprised that this experiment is slated to come up in India, yes, with a whopping 250 million dollars investment into science in India is perhaps the only 2nd instance of massive science euphoria. And they are both directly or immediately so, in my field of research, although the first one INO isn’t…

  • The angular parameters of celestial mechanics !

    Define an Hour Circle. Its a bit tricky to define some astronomical parameters and not run into innocent looking misrepresentations of facts. One needs to cool his amber more times than there are parameters, then one gets a feel where and how to begin and give a good description. Hour Circle is a GREAT Circle,…

  • Interesting planetary facts !

    Mars winter and summer would have a wider variation due to Sun’s relative distance being a 17%; variation in radiation is 34% (2 x 17%) For earth since distance of earth and sun varies from maximum to minimum within 3.4% the variation in sun’s radiation energy is 2×3.4 = 6.8% Also Venus is far more…

  • The Chandra Angle !!

    But the neutron stars are still quite large. This is because the electrons are about 1000 times as longer in how much space they require to sit in that system, than the neutrons. the neutrons are heavy hard attitude guys, they will go no where. But the electrons while occupy such a large couch are…