Tag: blogging

  • ALL the violence is male generated.

    Violence is nothing but an act that you commit or pose yourself to commit because its negative effects do not impact your narrowly defined choices but anyone beyond that narrow definition is affected and that’s none of your concern. Hence dishonesty is a very malevolent form of violence. “ALL the violence is male generated” and…

  • How soon you can get 1 million views on slide-share !

    I got a great formula, which is quite awesome and you can apply it if you want. Lets say you want such and such number of views on your slide-share. Lets say 1 million. What you have to do? step1- open your own website. Make sure it gets 100 views a day. step2- open your…

  • Airplanes are cheaper modes of communication than auto-rikshaw.

    Per km fare of a typical airfare now a days could be Rs 3. That for an auto Rs 14. If you were to (only hypothetically: spherical cow) continue to travel via auto for 1500 kms, you would spend far more for the fare this way, than for an airplane, in that proportion, apart from…

  • My PhD Thesis, Preliminary Exam !

    But my own PhD thesis is a kind of different tale altogether. For my work there is no CP Violation. In CP Violation two leptons (electrons and positrons are leptons) are imparted quite good amount of energy and made to collide against each other. Thus just like in CERN lab, there is a much smaller…

  • Status of my websites.

    I do not have any more websites except perhaps tumblr which I haven’t visited for months its a free site and mapped from other websites. Social media is a dependent on our free labor and makes us work hard for it, but has been somewhat useful for publicity of my websites. If you have liked…