Tag: centrifugal motion

  • Addendum to Coriolis Force; Definition of Centripetal Force.

    We need to understand first that Force can be categorized into two types. One is called tangential or collinear force. This component of the force is always along the direction of motion and changes speed of an object. It can change direction once the velocity of the object has become zero. Its NOT centripetal force.…

  • How rotation of earth affects the OPERA neutrino experiment.

    How rotation of earth affects the OPERA neutrino experiment.

    This is an original research work of Manmohan Dash, published here, first on 12th October 2011. A major update to this article originally published on 12th October 2011, was enacted on 7 Nov 2011. “There is a fundamental way to understand just about anything …” — just an epithet ! It seems there are 3…