Tag: philosophy

  • Logic is an affront to minimal niceties

    Logic is an affront to minimal niceties, which is perhaps why it does not work on diplomats.

  • ବଗ କୁ ଅନେଇ ମୀନ …

    ବଗ କୁ ଅନେଇ ମୀନ ପିରତି ର କଥା କହେ ବଗ ଖୁମ୍ପି ଦେଇଯାଏ ଘନ ଏ ମୀନ ଲୋ ବଗ ସାଂଗରେ ପିରତି ମନା ଏ ମୀନ ଲୋ ବଗ ସାଂଗରେ ପିରତି ମନା ଏ ମୀନ ଲୋ ବଗ ସାଂଗରେ ପିରତି ମନା ଏ ମୀନ ଲୋ ବଗ ସାଂଗରେ ପିରତି ମନା

  • Success and failure are both pleasing …

    Success and failure are both pleasing. Why do you think everyone in our world survive the other when they have one.

  • Love is to warmth what hatred is to se…

    Love is to warmth what hatred is to selfish attention. In love you will get less attention than in hatred. Love is far personal than hatred. Hatred is way too selfish and it does not see you with the warmth you get in love, it seeks attention for its own sake. Love is to warmth…

  • House is to brick what society is to family and …

    Apply this to the education system, we can’t criticize the students, the teachers or the admin for ever, once a reasonable bits and pieces of them (and only that no less) is in place we can’t go on around criticizing the same. WE can’t blame the teacher for ever nor can we blame the students…