Month: May 2012

  • Time Dilation.

    As an analogy, our ability to do something slows down, when we have less energy, when something “gradually” moves away from us there is time-dilation or slowing-of-time, as, there is less energy available to us … as in red-shift, when something “gradually” moves closer to us, there is time-contraction, rapidity or blue-shift. Dilation means expansion…

  • An undesirable aspect of Religion?

    God, who shall be revered for all time to come, in sickness and in health do we part ways from Him, upon realizing that God is futile we shall not punish Him with our weird power rather we shall subjugate ourselves to the infallibility of God and therefore the limitations of our own being, rejecting…

  • Language and Elitism

    Academic bigots have now unilaterally occupied Google Transliteration [to prove their supremacy] I observed this less than a year ago and gradually your options to type a non-native word by using Roman script has been reduced to 1. The one they want you to use which if you study closely has no reason behind it…

  • Why Rupee [INR] depreciates against dollar [topics: business, currency depreciation, economy, PPP and CCP]

    Why is PPP impossible to achieve, atleast comprehensively? Because of every reason: commodities and their manufacture properties, the market-nature of a commodity, international trade and social politics and what not. Economic organizations and Banks and trade orgs and companies can merely learn this gradually and implement them with caution and wit but not devise a…