Category: everyday examples

  • An approach towards solving actual problems in Physics

    In this article you will see ideas such as; “sum of factors”, a new approach towards everything, approach from the freshness of your mind, experience the brazen to reach at meaning, inclusive of all possibilities in seeking a solution, looking for a window of innovation, relative diversion from truth in an average world which are…

  • The paradox regarding high energy particles …

    One has to understand that the energy of high-energy reaction is in terms of individual particle energy for particpating particles only. In other words if every particle in a mosquito is given “that” amount of energy the mosquito is scaled to an atomic bomb and causes as much destruction as is caused by the individual…

  • The nature of quantum mechanics.

    When nature takes all the million paths, allowed for the tiny bump or the ball, which includes all the paths in the vicinity of the actuated path (that is, the actual trajectory of the ball seen on TV) all of them cancel each other out. If Path A is the actuated path, then its surrounded…

  • Nature is a rule-book, immensely complex, gigantic and subtle …

    So we do live in a time, when quantum mechanics is actually not making it much into our psyche, given it’s a well carved out niche, on the slopes of which we are doing all our chores, yet not realize so, and given that we have taken into grant, some of its most ill quoted…