Category: Language

  • How modern is Indian alphabet?

    Because in Hiragana vowels are completely different characters than consonants and not symbols [vowels: い あ, consonants: し, じ] and consonant-vowel mixing [S+O, S+A] will create a new character [so, saそ さ]. Thats the idea of vowels and consonants. To keep them separate through an alphabet. This can be easily done to Hindi and any…

  • How Manmohan came to Odisha?

    (マナモハナ わ どの オヂサ に わ きた) .. How Manmohan came to Odisha? manamohana wa dono odjisa niwa kita (かつて 神 は 天 に 眠って いた) .. Once God was sleeping in Heaven

  • 漢字 時間 Kanji Jikan [Kanji time]

    I give easy ways to remember 5 kanjis, this is perhaps 4th in that series 1. 足 [ashi, leg] A man [人] walking towards house from parking lot 2. 手 [te, hand] A stick to be hold with any of the two hands 3. 心 [kokoro, heart, many other words] it can be broken in…

  • Nirvana !

    Nirvana !

    Why I think religion is a subversion of science ? — And look at the wording; subverted, subversion: another version, ha. — A deliberate attempt, I would say, although over such a time, that, you wouldn’t notice it. Lets talk Nirvana — which is a hyper-anointed word for mukti or freedom. Here is the hindu…

  • Kiyomizu dera or [k]-you-mi-shu deura?

    while on kiyomizu dera, the famous 800 AD temple in Kyoto: check out “Jojuin” garden, known as the “Moon Garden” jotsna, jochhana etc [s/t/c alternates to >> j, jojna, jojuin ] is Indianic sanscrit for moonlight. so base sanscrit for moon wood be jo/co/cho/cha etc note that this is present day [tsuki = moon, tsuki…