Category: basic physics

  • Maxwell’s equations

    Maxwell’s equations

    Electromagnetic theory, Lecture — I. Maxwell’s equations This lecture, the web version of the first lecture given in the electromagnetic theory paper of the physics honors degree class, was delivered on 21st December 2017. All electromagnetic theory lectures of this series, will be found here.  Also read part-2 of the linked lecture. That describes the…

  • Microcanonical ensemble

    Microcanonical ensemble

    Microcanonical ensemble Lecture IV; This lecture, the 4th in the series of statistical mechanics lectures, a paper for the physics honors degree class, was delivered on the 10th of January this year (2018). You can find the previous lectures here ( Lecture — I, II ) and here ( Lecture — III ). Topics covered in this lecture a. Recapitulation of some previous ideas…

  • Phase space, ensemble and Liouville’s theorem

    Phase space, ensemble and Liouville’s theorem

    Phase space, Ensemble and Liouville’s theorem. Topics covered in this lecture a. Ensemble and average — thermodynamic systems b. Phase space — a classical system c. Liouville’s theorem Ensemble and average in thermodynamic systems For a given “macrostate” (N, V, E) a statistical system, at any instant of time, t, is likely to be found in any one…

  • Crystal structure: introduction to lattice properties.

    Crystal structure: introduction to lattice properties.

    Lattice and crystals.  A lattice is a three-dimensional periodic array of identical building blocks. The building blocks are atoms or groups of atoms. The crystals usually come with imperfection of structure and impurities.  The periodicity of crystals is well established by the experimental studies of X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction patterns.  A solid is a…

  • Entropy, probability and equilibrium in thermodynamic systems.

    Entropy, probability and equilibrium in thermodynamic systems.

    The current lecture numbered lecture – I and II, is intended to be an introduction to the statistical mechanics paper of a Physics honors degree. It was delivered to the same class, on 22 November 2017. Topics covered:  i. Micro and macro state.  ii. Entropy and thermodynamic probability and thermal equilibrium.   Thermodynamic limit.  Lets consider…