Category: experimental high energy physics

  • The OPERA neutrino result

    The OPERA neutrino result

    in the former case of the independent experiment they carry out, they can not at all use any relativistic boosting, relativistic additions, relativistic particle kinematics etc … No single formula of Relativity must be used, all the decay reactions that are into the experiment must first shed all photon-speed-relativity before their values will be used.…

  • An approach towards solving actual problems in Physics

    In this article you will see ideas such as; “sum of factors”, a new approach towards everything, approach from the freshness of your mind, experience the brazen to reach at meaning, inclusive of all possibilities in seeking a solution, looking for a window of innovation, relative diversion from truth in an average world which are…

  • What are photons?

    Photons are said to be the quantum (new-Indian-term: प्र-भागी) that carries the energy of unified electromagnetic fields. An unified field is an advance treatment of electric and magnetic fields that are treated “same” because of a great idea of Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Like the equivalence of space-distance and time-intervals, electric field and magnetic…

  • The nature of Physical truth and our approach to find it

    The Unification of fundamental physical interactions is a result of that abstract thinking, and look at it, we are successful because nature nods “agreed”. One example of this unification is is how the electric fields (E) are same as a magnetic field (B) if you recognize that the E, B fields are not fundamental but…

  • The story of particle physics

    sitting here on my desk, a self-procreated office locus, on a rainy and lightening midnight what can I do? My love for physical isn’t too much a secret. I try very hard to transcend that to Physics. And without much self-organization I can not weave the scattered threads. So I will just pick randomly on…