Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • A recession in Science.

    6th December 2009 Is a scientific recession as imminent as one in economy? Scientific explorations aren’t often directly influenced by a ”demand and supply” and a market volatility. You’d think that I am out of my mind to suggest that. [and add to that the mind of few others and I am still out of…

  • On people and phenomena

    with some humorously indecent jokes When you complaint about the Maoists you forget about the Gandhians. If the Maoists have sprouted all over *your* nation, why The Gandhians did not find their place into China?? They could be sent there with a Charkha, they could easily cripple the manufacturing based economy. Then China will have…

  • 40 ideas in my mind, in a go…let it go

    Philosophy is a swift passage to unanimity. Science is a natural passage with the possibility of failure. Politics promises everyone a passage, for some it builds tunnel with lights inside, whoever said light at the end of the tunnel, light can also be inside the tunnel..

  • The megalomania of numbers.

    The experiments in High Energy Physics can usually be linked with the gigantic. Its contained in its own nature. When compared with the other fields of physics, its size, its numbers and some of its characters stand out in stark contrast. For some these are not very welcome or at the least initiates a sense…

  • Good science survives on giving credit to right person

    Good science survives on giving credit to right person

    A log of a discussion, I had, with a some folks I have never met … On freedom of science and freedom of doing science … Mr Tony Owopetu; To what extent do you think data from scientific research should be shared? Mr Austin T Mohr; Fully, freely, and without reservation. Of course, I’m a…

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