Tag: probability

  • Being careless in chosing a boyfriend, how much can you afford it !

    If you are to chose boy friends, of which there are M in number (with their ratings, but not known to you yet), how many times you are allowed to be careless in choosing them, so that you can still have the best “rated boyfriend” average.

  • The Feynman’s maths for rating cuisine.

    The Feynman’s maths for rating cuisine.

    Feynman and his beautiful mind was just an amazement of brilliance. My Understanding of this marvelous insight. you don’t have to grasp the maths behind something to see what people are calling to be brilliant. (of-course maths can be wrong and that’s where many can focus) Check this out; D = √2(M+1) – 1 Feynman…

  • A Question a day, Q4 (series)

    Question: Liliana has a bag of marbles. The bag contains 18 black, 15 red, 11 blue, and 8 white marbles. Liliana randomly takes a red marble from the bag and leaves the marble on a table. What is the probability that she will next take a red or a white marble from the bag?

  • The entangled Universe ..

    There has been a very interesting and permeating discussion going on about “Quantum Entanglement” and any imperceptible but conceptual connection it might have with “Pauli Exclusion Principle”. This has been started by Brian Cox so if you win over him you can come with “who started first?”. … An entangled electron or any quantum particle…