Menaing of Kanji [漢字]

I am trying to figure  kan. 漢. This is the han dynasty. This is perhaps kan and han both because kshan = xan. Which leads to all possibilities accommodated. such as san, jian, yan, yang etc due to the alternation of consonants and vowels.

In my recent analysis of why kalinga may be kayan/kayang which is “sun/fire dynasty civilization near Ocean-bay” because of kai/hai/bai = ocean [eg bali is baili = baiyi = Ocean-Times, Oceanic civilization] {and see how this linga is present in linga-raj, so lingaraj temple is kalingaraj temple = kayang-rai which is indeed a sun dynasty temple near the Ocean, note how kan, han, yan, yang all of it are phonetically coming out of this. }

But if we look at this kanjistically we see 氵= water [Ocean]. 中 [through; which means passage of time, passage of energy, historical, epic, civilizational hence Kingdom] . Plants 草 {the upper stick} 天 [sky/heaven denoted by 2nd level of human conscience: two lines]

kan/han [civilization] is therefore a victory over “jal, sthala, ban, giri, akasha” [ocean, land, forests, mountains, sky/heaven/conscience]. The kan/han civilization is same as eg Kalinga civilization, chola dynasty, surya dynasty, som-bansha, jadu {fire/shiba/sun, jajati} bansha etc.

In other words its an assimilation of Hindu and Budhist [and even other lineage of dynasties perhaps even ancient jews, the ancient Hinduistic civilizations were dominantly powerful over the world and the same Kingdoms were goverened by if not at the same time, the same lineage of Kings who ruled over China and India and Japan and where not, the same kings built it in Cambodia and in India, in Laos and in veda-nam: which cognates with butsu=budha and bisu/bishnu among other such as veda] The same kings, the same people, the same culture which has been ravaged and segergated over time.

I also surmised couple days ago that kanji [Chinese characters] comes from kangxi which must be kayang-shri = kalingashri which only means a King of Ocean-Sun dynasty.

which is kan-ji [kan dynasty God/King]

But ji is also then translated as characters as in alphabet/letters/symbols.  It comes from the King/God hence ji. Which is also why dictionary is zidian in Chinese and jiten in Japanese: literally given by King. here kangji/kangxi which is why kanji. [So Shahrukh khan is indeed Chinese if not Japanese: Shahrukh Yamada, Tsukamoto?]

Here is how ji is written 字 [in sense of alphabet/phonetics character: 字]. This is a “child子” under a roof .. much like all alphabet/phonetics members are children under the same language-roof.

So Kanji is written as 漢字.



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