Month: March 2013

  • Do we have two theories for two different scales of reality?

    Quantum laws pervade everywhere. The diffraction of prism or windows, the little stars that sparkle on your window pane are all quantum mechanical effects brought into the fore of our sight. We gaze at it from our convenience, but they are produced at the minion and carried forth without prejudice to yet another scale, the…

  • Why some particles are fractional spin?

    So spin 1/2 or spin-3/2 particles are clumped together. Which is why this behavior. Because the other types of particles which are only less in number have integral spins, they carry the force over large and un-clumped distances in spin-space. The spin angles in the phase space is integrally divided and these particles are free…

  • Why Sun is circular but star twinkles?

    The frequency of light is small because the energy or intensity is low. So you see twinkles. But light is still moving at the same speed towards us. It takes 4.5 years from some stars while taking 8 minutes from sun, both at the same speed. But with sun, the face of the sun or…

  • I walked for two hours. How long and how fast did I walk?

    So all in all I can safely say I walked at-least 6 kms on the blue path. (It could be more, lets check tomorrow, if possible) I walked on the blue for 75 minutes, stopping only for a few minutes to talk with someone that I knew that I met miles away from my house.…

  • Did ancient people know speed of light?

    Light is zero mass as its emanated from a circle. Light are fast moving triangles. Then the ancient people might have understood that one can throw lighter objects faster. That means lightest=zero mass = light from sun travels fastest. But they did not know how fast. Just very fast and fastest. Since They only knew…