Month: March 2013

  • Triangles and Particle Physics !

    Phase Space. When we deal with what we call particle physics, we always have to bring into discussion; whats a phase space. Its the most basic thing to do, in that involvement. Its like each time we make pizza we have to think of whats the dough and whats the topping. At-least the theoretical and…

  • David’s Triangle and Swastika

    The vaishya eg is busi-sha = business person, hurriedly made into vaishya. The actual varna could also be (due to racial/religious mixing) Hindu-Jew-Christian-Islam. Which are all considered to be Arjya splitting into Hindu-Jew and then their mixing splitting into Christ and Islam. Also see that this way Mount Moriah might be Mount Meru, the latter…

  • The God Article.

    The idea is to give the idea. And Kaku might not have done a fabulous job here. But in the past the debate was blown overhead. I mean there simply is no fault with Leon Lederman. He is an immensity of science and not of religion. Lets not give him less credence than a Templeton…