Racial Chauvinism.

Racial Chauvinism

I came across the following on FB. Its not the first time I have come across such prejudiced view of the world we live in, irrespective of whether its a western view or an eastern view. But its not right and we must not accept such perjury of ethical concerns. Its kind of order of the western myopia, that it paints everything with the same brush, as long as its not western. We must be cognizant of it and dispel such myth from our Psyche.

Here is his confident perjury.

American Women are not repressed. Would you like to see true repression I turn your gaze towards 95% of women in Saudi Arabia, rural China, India, other nations of similar configurations, those are a gender ‘repressed. If you do not have to ask permission to leave your house then you are not ‘repressed.

— Eric Kirsch.

So cutting your napes in certain way makes you liberals? Explains whats wrong with the western view of the world.

1. I do agree that repression of women in India is rampant. But 95% you gotta be kidding me. Where do you get such numbers except from your wildly self gratifying hokum.

2. American women are not repressed? Just because you color your words with a bunch of jargon. American women would not be feminists if there were no male chauvinism in American societies or even females acting as devils advocate for male induced repression.

I consider such utterances as regression fallacies ipso-facto. These statements are failing to associate cause and events, correctly.

How many women presidents America has had in its golden democracy of 300 years. When did America ALLOW its women to vote again? And the Islamophobia is glaringly visible as well. Two naked women vandalizing an Islamic meeting in France makes them liberals?



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  1. Who I criticize and who I don’t. « Invariance Publishing House ! Avatar

    […] Hungary for its gov’s role in Migrant crisis.   5. and 3 days ago check my post “Racial Chauvinism; someone from USA” called women in countries like India and China as repressed, “95% of […]


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