Category: Mathematics

  • IMA (IoMA, Institute of Mathematics) now ISI.

    IMA has a nice wind-born campus in the outskirts of Bhubaneswar, about 6 kms from the famous ancient caves. In the beautiful but wild rural parts of Bhubaneswar, perfect for research organization only if highly funded and having fabulous infrastructure. I think this will now come true.

  • Did ancient people know speed of light?

    Light is zero mass as its emanated from a circle. Light are fast moving triangles. Then the ancient people might have understood that one can throw lighter objects faster. That means lightest=zero mass = light from sun travels fastest. But they did not know how fast. Just very fast and fastest. Since They only knew…

  • The newer policy on EAv

    So here is the total policy now. I compute div/share/share-price, multiply that by 25 (8th division of my maximum without desserts) and multiply that by “portfolio-selfbuying-factor or in language of Physics “proper-buying” which could be fractional, or integral+fractional) So (div/share/share-price)*(8th division of share-max)*(proper-buying).

  • The quality audience factor, new idea.

    Now add all this. 0*30 + 1*20 + 3*5 + … + 2*10 = 2000. Divide this by total posts so 2K/1000 = 2. Your quality aidience factor on a scale of 10 is 2. You can apply this to a classroom. I have 15 students, there were a total of 30 questions at the…

  • Tying The World In 1 Thread.

    A Language Research based article. A technical article in envisioning one modern language system for the world. The ideas are based on intense research in language, performed in last 2-3 years, mainly, and related to a bagful of other such articles in this website, the research being an ongoing activity, in various by-lanes of its…