Category: Personal

  • divinely unmindful

    But time to take a little power nap, it was a heavy lunh of rice and alligned side dishes and if you want to pardon me “wake me up after 30 minutes” using some kind of facebook spam-robot to set my alarm

  • scientist turns poet:)

    I remember the first story I made up was when I was about 9 yrs. It came 3rd or something in the competition and I re…ceived two books as a reward. One was “Robin Hood” the other was “How cinemas are made” each written in Odia.

  • मेरी पासपोर्ट और अनेक सारी कहानियां…

    लेकिन आप इन्सान से अगर सुरक्षित रह गए इसका मतलब नहीं आप गाय से बच जायेंगे. ये हमारे रस्ते पे फ्रीडम की त्यौहार मनाते हैं. मैं दो बार अपने स्कूटी से गाय के वजह से गिरा हुं, इनकी आँखों में मासूमियत होती हैं लेकिन इनके चाल की परिभाषा आज तक किसी ने नहीं दिया. ये…

  • The cat story

    I killed a cat. And I turned an apostle. Here is that story. It’s a funny story and I could never forget it. I was in the final years of my high school. Actually as it goes, it was pre college in some earlier education system, I guess in my fathers time, but in our…

  • Back in 2002, I was a believer

    Sept 07, 2002, Tsukuba, Japan I know you have great belief on me and I pray God he will be by our side to save us from the evil of psychological conflicts. yours affectionately Manmohan