Tag: language research

  • hiragana, katakana and romaji characters.

    hiragana, katakana and romaji characters.

    hiragana, katakana and romaji characters. The Japanese alphabet-syllabary. I created the following charts with color, and design. The original source of the chart is available at omniglot.

  • Rule behind forming Japanese (Chinese?) numbers.

    Rule 3: I merged rule 3 into 2 and sub-itemized into i) and ii). Smart? I think necessary. They say “necessity is the mother of invention”. I thought last night, as I was totally ill, by body pain and head ache, and didn’t do much except weeping in pain, “what if, invention is actually a…

  • Madras, the etymo, “cogito ergo sum”.

    mangal which also means welfare. Because again, 2ndary, all nouns have primary meaning sun, 2ndary and therefore 2ndary to 2ndary and so on, anything; tree, place, life forms, action, people, law, … thats how language developed, according to sun as central theory, and I think it was known far deeper into humanity’s history, the most…

  • How the kanji for measurement is coined in Japanese?

    How the kanji for measurement is coined in Japanese?

    kanji equation; here is more progress in kanji equation, I made today. Just came across the kanji, 測 (haka, measurement). This one looked quite familiar. (As I see now, I know tons of kanji, compared eg to last year, in an instant I would familiarize with them, so I set onto find the kanji equation…

  • Finding Chinese and Japanese language components into Indian and English words.

    Finding Chinese and Japanese language components into Indian and English words.

    I have come across tons of phonetics present in Indian words (in last few years, and sometimes updated on face-book) where the first part of the Indian word is either Japanese phonetics or a Chinese phonetics with the same meaning. I am just giving an example. (so once the elements: consonant, vowels, conjugation and slight-alternations…