full moon big pot and square teacher

I will make a blog post for something I said on facebook as people there are always coaxing me to write longer pieces not on facebook. It is a kind of social etiquette I wouldn’t like, not because I am a dropper but for the reason of how I am inspired. I am not inspired to just tell you everything I know, that will go into a lot plus I constantly learn or review or reunderstand newer things. SO I just can’t make it a point that I must put a squared face to everything I do, I simply can not, I make an almost square and if you are happy with it then that’s all that is necessary, cos for one thing I am never trying to be perfect, if that were so I wouldn’t try to be a scientist and lose my hair and on top of that hear that I lose my hair from the heat I generate and that depicts me as an angrry person which I am only when a deep level of violation strikes my person which is I guess so and so for anyone.

But before I get philo-critical here is a joke and the reason why I chose such a topic.

In Odia it is a fun-thing to do and we all grew up doing it, to mock a funny translation from Odia to English. In that case everyone from Odisha knows this joke; a name of a person: “Purna Chandra Maha Patra” is translated as “Full moon Big Pot” because thats what the words translate like if they are not to be found in the name but standalone. This is perhaps unique to the kind of name we have here in India (or is it just in Odisha?).

Another name that struck me today is a family name. My brother in law’s father’s name is Chaturbhuja Acharya, which translates to English exactly like: Square Teacher. (or “quadrilateral teacher” or “4 handed teacher”)

Now that you got why I named my article like that, here is the article: (so that I can delete it from facebook)

Today the moon is full moon. It’s called a “Purnima” signifying fullness. Today is called Kartika Purnima in line with the lunar calender, Kartika being the name of the month. Perhaps from an aesthetic consideration and the corresponding auspicious moments it brings, the ancient residents of present day Odisha celebrated this day as the day when these ancient merchants and sea-trotters set for Bali, Jawa and Sumatra, deep in the Ocean into Indonesia. These are called the “Sadhaba” people.
I had mused that this may even have a connection to as far as Japan, which is greatly connected by Budhist and Hinduist cultures of India in many forms. In Japanese “sarawa” may be said to be connected to farewell as from the word “sayona ra”. The Japanese “sa” may also be the present day “ja” in Odia which is widely used for “go or farewell”. SO the “sadhaba” kind may be said to be the kind who we often bade farewell in ancient times. They are celebrated greatly and it is said they brought immense amount of wealth and prosperity for the local inhabitants. But I am thinking, today, is the moon under perigee or apogee or somewhere midway. It looks really really close today. I took a picture but dark had aleady set in. so it may be perhaps a day when the moon is at its Perigee which is the scientific term for the distance of closest approach from earth center therefore also from earth’s surface to the moon. Moon or any other celestial objects closest distance from sun would be known as perihelion and it’s farthest distance would be called an apohelion (or aphelion?) [gee for earth and helion for sun, similarly cynthion for moon: pericynthion)
It is for this same day, for a week, Bali-Jatra is celebrated which literally means sailing to Bali. Actually it is to be written Jatra, written Yatra as a Hindi-invasion, Hindi perhaps took it as an English invasion where J’s are changed by Y’s for sounding suave. Jatra or Jatara comes from Ja, as I said for go, travel and farewell. JA is a widely used mono-syllable which can be seen when someone hits you with a broom, a wood or fist, batteries you and lets you go with “Ja” I don’t wanna add more words that amplifies its significance such as but here is an everyday example in Odia “jaunu”  which means “why don’t you go”.
But Jatra also means an opera/drama or a theater usually performed in various forms in Odisha. note that “jaunu” is also used like “ja-aana” which is pretty close to “sayona”.



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