Jupiter, Europa, their love game.

Our event correspondent paparazzi of the cosmic space Hubble, the telescope, captures how Jupiter loves to play with its concubine Europa, 1 among the 4 it has. Jupiter keeps 4 mistress, IO, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede. A fact known first by Galileo, whose daughters did not become nun for this reason. Just that Galileo was never having a law fully wedded wife. If you have concubines you will certainly find who else does. He must have been awed the first time he would see a magnetic personality that Jupiter is has the sheer charm and wit to keep keep 4 paramours.

(Galileo did find Jupiter’s satellites to be 4, and is Callisto a transgender? But they are certainly the most well known of Jupiter’s lovers, and the largest and first known. But paparazzi finds there are as many as 67. Jupiter could not compete with Casanova, but still sort of comes in the top list of philanders in our Universe, although a bit inanimate for anyone’s taste)

Jupiter, Europa, their love game.

The next scientist who were in-line inspired by the “casa del amor” (house of love) were Einstein and Schrodinger. Schrodinger had two wives (or what was the story, exactly?), openly so, and Einstein had numerous love affairs out of his marriage, Einstein was also a grand inspiration for “love and sex before marriage” and live-in relationship. In today’s India supreme court would have given him a decree of “illegal” and he would have shot back “none of your business, I am only sure about the finite-ness of Universe”.

But how magnetic a personality is Jupiter? Jupiter’s magnetism is bigger than Sun’s and earth’s. A fact that certainly excites its lovers.

This hubble image shows how plumes of water are sprayed into its own atmosphere by icy Europa which the armor Jupiter splits at the atomic level by throwing electric charges at the water molecules in a rapid manner by its magnetic arm. Just like we accelerate charges by magnetic field here on earth and make them split each other, the power of Jupiter’s darts are so high they split the water molecules into ions of H and O. That causes radiation in various hues of color, an aura captured by the Hubble telescope.


One response to “Jupiter, Europa, their love game.”

  1. The beauty of astronomy. « Invariance Publishing House, mdashfoundation Avatar

    […] while Europa is Icy. Today, the phenomenon of aura produced on Jupiter’s moon Europa, was explained briefly. Click on preceding […]


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