Chinese/Japanese and hypothesis of Sanscrit

They stole much Chinese and Japanese and claimed it was Sanscrit origin. But if they were serious they should have continued honestly that they needed the power of Chinese/Japanese language. I am amazed anyway.

Here is how close we have become [sans the manipulation modernscitech is amazing, it makes most of world language very close and that should be the goal ]

koushi [講師 lecturer in Japanese]

kahashri [this is what Indian  should be therefore for lecturer, although such power-of-language has never been implemented, but see such has been implemented in religion: Sage Koushika might have originated here lets say 150 years ago or was it even 45 years ago? who knows ]

The problem arises because first there was a MOU that one could simplify their own language in par with an advanced language and implement the resources of the advanced language. Then came nationalistic feeling “we are superior” mentality. So one has to stop with what has been achieved and rework with one’s own base [eg one can not use a verb in place of a noun: kaha is verb and katha is noun, which to use? kaha-shri or katha shri? Also note that the “base” is already mixed up with non-original language. eg Indian is mixed with Chinese and Japanese even if now Indian languages are claiming Sanscrit as the origin. But since a large fraction of the world have implemented such scheme in the past eg many Europian nations its easy to say it all originated in Sanscrit, then you don’t feel bad that you actually stole all such in mdoern times.

kaha sounds more correct with original kou, but katha is more appropriate with Indian base [again mixed up base] because its a noun. One can’t partly reject the original and partly accept because that will create a mess/complexity of describing language rules. So one rejects all and innovates on various formula which actually do not make much sense and do not linger. So one goes on creating newer forms and assigns it to a hypothetical language called Sanscrit.

here are some Japanese/Chinese words that are almost same or exactly same in English. {回向、 意向、真, 古} Ekō, ikō, zhēn, inishie {echo, ego, genuine, initial/initiate} They were right away uplifted like seven 7 [=shi-ven; from shi-chi =七] [not necessarily stolen, stolen is something where you take it, borrow it, take it as help and later deny it and claim its yours]

These are just remarkable examples. You can find plenty more if you do some research ..


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